Sermons on Acts

Sermons on Acts

Fluent in Wonder

Today is Pentecost Sunday. How do we encounter the Holy Spirit today? Can and will we be amazed and transformed? And if so, what difference might that make…in us and to the world around us?

In the World

What does it mean to be “in” the world but not “of” it? How do we live deeply, fully, faithfully in this precious world AND remember that we belong to another world as well… the kin-dom that is still becoming? What does one have to do with the other?

Completing Joy

Join us as we examine the invitation to “abide in Christ’s love.” But for what purpose? To what end? JOY!

To Abide or Not To Abide…

Jesus asks us to abide, and Phillip’s encounter with the Ethiopian eunuch gives us an example. What does it mean to abide in Christ and to allow Christ to abide in us? To what extent do we choose such abiding?

Spirit Seeking

Today we celebrate the day of Pentecost! On this special day we remember the coming of the Holy Spirit and celebrate the birthday of the church. What difference does the Holy Spirit make in our lives and our world today? How does the Holy Spirit continue to move between and among us?


Today is Ascension Sunday and we take a look at the account of the recently resurrected Christ being taken up or ascending to heaven. We don’t like to wait, but what if that’s how we become open to blessing?

Faces of Our Faith: Eutychus

Who on earth is Eutychus? Join us as we ponder Eutychus’ story, his experience in that upper room and how he might encourage us in relation to those who have “fallen” in life or “fallen away” from the life of the church.

Too Hot to Handle

Pentecost is the fiftieth and last day of the Easter Season, the day the church received the gift of the Holy Spirit. It’s considered the “birthday of the church” as the gathered assembly received the Holy Spirit. How does the spirit break out of our expectations and become “too hot to handle,” even today?

Be Thou My Vision

Join us on Sunday as we explore these passages that remind us of the divine vision that guides, encourages and inspires us.