Sermons on Acts (Page 3)

Sermons on Acts (Page 3)

The Blessing of Giving

As Paul is departing Ephesus, he tells the leaders of that faith community that it is more blessed to give than to receive. This week, we will hear from PB UMC member Mavi Barrena as she shares how she has been blessed…

We Believe: The Holy Spirit

Sometimes people are excluded from communities of faith. We continue to see that in The United Methodist Church. What can we learn from the Spirit’s unexpected inclusivity in the early church?

We Believe: The Church

Continuing through the Apostles’ Creed, we explore what it means to be the church. It’s not just about showing up in worship every once in a while…

Reading Paul’s Letters

This fifth Sunday in our series on reading the Bible, we continue through the New Testament with the letters attributed to Paul. Pastor Christopher brings our message this Sunday, focusing on an understanding of the historical Paul and his experience of God’s call to bring the message of Jesus to the Gentiles.

Beginning with the End

This week’s message begins the Advent season and the Christian year. Specifically, we prepare for Christmas by exploring Jesus through the eyes of his mother, Mary. And through this lens, we begin at the end.

A New Life in the Spirit

This Sunday we celebrate Pentecost Sunday as well as 50 years since the merger that established The United Methodist Church. We’ll enjoy a short informational video about our heritage and an inspiring message from Pastor Christopher.

Hearts Full of Love

This Sunday we conclude our series on Les Misérables with Jesus’ ascension into heaven and his promise of the Holy Spirit. We also hear a full medley of music from Les Mis, including a few pieces we haven’t heard in other parts of the series!

Common Wisdom

This Sunday we continue our series on Les Misérables with a song by the people and a story about a genderqueer person who is welcomed as a valued person of faith.

Step Up: Witness

This Sunday we conclude our Stewardship exploration with a discussion of Witness. Our youth and children lead an upbeat and music-filled service!