Sermons on Acts (Page 5)

Sermons on Acts (Page 5)

The Way of Necessity

This Sunday we begin our annual Stewardship season with a series on “Stewardship with the Saints,” and will learn about Sarah Crosby, an 18th Century Methodist woman preacher!

Youth Sunday 2015

This is a full Sunday as we begin in worship in celebration of Youth Sunday! Our Spirit-filled worship experience was led by the youth of PB UMC!

Trinity: The Son

Pastor Bob begins a three-part series on the Trinity by exploring the mystery of Christ as fully God and fully human.

In Perpetuity

This Sunday is Mother’s Day, and Pastor Bob explores the idea of a love that is so pervasive that we are both transformed by it and – in our transformation – called to give of the love we receive.


Comparisons between the Ethiopian Eunuch and culture today.


Pastor Bob explores the idea of response, not only the way our own needs receive response but the way we are called to respond to the needs of others.

Radical & Inclusive Change

Pastor Bob explores the context & importance of the Easter story, and how humanity may both be changed and be called to respond.

The Right Stuff

Pastor Bob continues the sermon series, “Questioning God” with an exploration of the call of all Christians to participate in ministry, and the empowering nature of the Holy Spirit.