Sermons on John
Knowing Our Hunger
Understanding our spiritual hunger can be a tricky thing. Does it lead us down paths of destruction or does it turn our hearts and spirits toward God and one another?
Start at the Very Beginning
What invitation does Jesus extend to Nicodemus and what must Nicodemus wrestle with as he seeks to enter more fully and deeply into relationship with God?
In the World
What does it mean to be “in” the world but not “of” it? How do we live deeply, fully, faithfully in this precious world AND remember that we belong to another world as well… the kin-dom that is still becoming? What does one have to do with the other?
Completing Joy
Join us as we examine the invitation to “abide in Christ’s love.” But for what purpose? To what end? JOY!
To Abide or Not To Abide…
Jesus asks us to abide, and Phillip’s encounter with the Ethiopian eunuch gives us an example. What does it mean to abide in Christ and to allow Christ to abide in us? To what extent do we choose such abiding?
Wandering Heart…Here’s My Heart
In many ways, our scripture passage for this Sunday brings us full circle… back to fishermen by the seashore, doing what they do best: fishing. In this passage from John, the disciples encounter the risen Christ who prepares breakfast for them over an open fire.
Wandering Heart… Songs of Loudest Praise
On Palm Sunday, after everything the disciples had been through, after everything Peter knew (and still didn’t know) about Jesus, what must he have felt as he watched Jesus and heard the hopeful songs of the crowd?
Come and See
Rev. Lesley Brogan helps us explore what it means to “come and see” in our path of discipleship.
Living Love
Today we continue in what’s known as the “Farewell Discourse” in the Gospel of John, taking a deeper dive into what exactly it means to follow in Christ’s Way. Jesus had some very specifics “asks” of disciples then and now AND he offered the promise of divine presence that would remain with his followers always. What exactly does it means to follow in Christ’s Way?
Preparing a Place
What does it mean that Jesus prepares a place for us? How is that a present reality in addition to a future promise? And what difference does it make for how we think about creating place and space for one another?