Sermons on Luke (Page 5)

Sermons on Luke (Page 5)

Where Hope Floats

This Sunday is the beginning of a brand new Christian year! It is the First Sunday of Advent and we begin the preparations of our hearts and spirits for the coming of Christ at Christmas. We’ll light the first Advent candle, the candle of Hope, as we begin our journey toward Bethlehem.

Coming Home

Today is Homecoming Sunday!  We’ve all been away for a while due to the pandemic and a whole host of other reasons. We’ll be reflecting on the Bible’s quintessential homecoming story…the story of the prodigal son.  

The Peace of Christ

Into the midst of angst and struggle, Jesus comes to the disciples with a word of greeting, “Peace be with you.” How often are we, just like those early disciples, a mix of joy and disbelief and wonder?

Cal-Pac Service – Together in Worship

We will have a special service today from the Cal-Pac Conference! This service was provided to local congregations as a gift, and is a collection of a variety of musicians, worship leaders and preachers giving witness from a diverse context of settings, all giving glory to God as we celebrate Christ’s birth.


It’s the fourth and final Sunday in Advent. Today, we light the candle of Love and prepare for Love Incarnate to enter into our lives once again.

A New Kingdom Ethic

Rev. Lydia Sohn from St. Mark’s UMC will bring Sunday’s message and she shares the following: This is Palm Sunday, the day where we usher in Jesus as the King of the Jews and recognize his true authority. The people back then had no idea that Jesus’ kingdom would look vastly different from the political kingdoms of old and new. Jesus’ kingdom was about love, sacrifice, compassion, and service.

Gratitude and Abundance

Rev. Jeri Newell-Davis from St. Mark’s UMC will bring Sunday’s message and she shares the following: Many of you may be feeling a bit anxious about staying indoors during this pandemic, and I don’t blame you. This is not what we are accustomed to. We are creatures of habit, people who like our freedom. But I know the pandemic will end and we will have the freedom to go about our routines once again. And we will give thanks when this season has ended.

A Table of Gifts

As we enter this Lenten season of spiritual introspection, we continue our exploration of gratitude. Last week’s message began with a question about where we find God, and this Sunday’s message draws the illustration of gathering around God’s table. This is a time of sharing in the abundance of God’s gifts!

The Journey to Joy

Jesus’ parents present him at the temple, they offer a sacrifice, and a priest and a prophet revel at Jesus’ presence.