Sermons on Mark

Sermons on Mark

King or Prophet?

What on earth do we have to learn from a fickle King and a headless prophet? Why did Mark include this account here and what does it have to say to us today?

Travel Light

Jesus “hit a bump” when he attempted to minister in his hometown of Nazareth. It was a good opportunity to teach his disciples (then and now) what it means to travel light as we journey through life and seek to be of consequence for Christ in the world.

Faith and Fear

Join us as we explore Mark’s version of the account of Jesus stilling the storm. While most of us haven’t found ourselves on storm-tossed seas, haven’t all of us have weathered turbulent times in life, times when fear rises and faith falters?

Within a Seed

On the days when we are hopeful AND on the days when we fret we are moving in wrong directions or will never get there, how might Jesus’ words about seeds offer us hope and reassurance?

When Things Go Downhill

How did that mountaintop moment change or equip Jesus and the disciples for what was ahead as Jesus’ path takes a decisive turn toward Jerusalem and the cross? How do moments of light, awe, wonder and glory change and equip us for the ups and downs of life’s journey?


Our scripture reading from Mark invites us to reflect on the notion of “seeking.” When and how does “seeking” impede the movement of the Spirit and when and how does it lead us deeper into relationship, light and life?

What Have You to Do With Us?

Our text for this week reveals Jesus as a teacher and an exorcist. A demon asks Jesus this crucial question: “What have you do with us?” Join us as we explore the ways this ancient question has relevance for our lives today.

The Grace of Willingness

Miracles were integral parts of Jesus’ ministry. In one account, Jesus walks us through the simplicity of what is required for their occurrence and the pathway for surrendering into this deepening of faith.

How We Measure (Up)

Today we explore ways we can get “off course” from the true intention of Sabbath and reorient ourselves…away from “measuring up” and toward “measuring” that which is truly valuable from the perspective of Sabbath rest.