Sermons on Mark (Page 8)

Sermons on Mark (Page 8)

Radical & Inclusive Change

Pastor Bob explores the context & importance of the Easter story, and how humanity may both be changed and be called to respond.

Mind. Blown.

This Sunday, Pastor Bob explores the awe-inspiring nature of God when we allow our minds to be opened.

Into the Wilderness

The Rev. Nicole Reilley speaks about the season of Lent, asks us to question ourselves and presents some challenges.


This Sunday we return to texts from the Revised Common Lectionary as we celebrate Transfiguration Sunday.

Storms & Giants

In this concluding sermon in the series on Questioning God, Pastor Bob explores the theological concept of “theodicy” with the question, “Why does God let bad things happen?”

The Right Stuff

Pastor Bob continues the sermon series, “Questioning God” with an exploration of the call of all Christians to participate in ministry, and the empowering nature of the Holy Spirit.

Faith Looks Up

Naomi Nye has written a poem called “I feel sorry for Jesus.” It begins like this: I feel sorry for Jesus People won’t leave Him alone. I know He said, “Wherever two or more are gathered in my name…” but I’ll bet some days He regrets it.

Stubborn Devotion

Today’s scripture readings contains two stories which seem to be about stubborn devotion. The first is the story of the transfiguration, in which Jesus’ disciples remain steadfast at the top of a mountain even though they are absolutely terrified.

Through the Roof

The story of the healing of the paralytic not only left a literal hole in somebody’s roof, it also blew the lid off the common understanding of how God works and who gets privileges.