Sermons on New Testament (Page 28)
Everything’s Alright
This Sunday, we continue our Lenten worship series with a familiar text about Jesus being anointed with oil. John’s version of this story brings about thoughts of scarcity, but perhaps that’s the wrong way to think about it. Could there be a reading of this story that instead reminds us of God’s generosity?
Heaven on Their Minds
This Sunday we enter the season of Lent and our Jesus Christ Superstar series with the opening song, “Heaven on Their Minds.” This song critiques Jesus and the disciples, and while it is from Judas’ perspective, it is also very much from “the outside looking in.” Our scriptures for this Sunday echo a similar perspective.
The Astounded Crowd
This Sunday, our Discipleship series concludes with Jesus’ transfiguration on a mountain. It is good to explore this text in the aftermath of #GC2019 so that we may listen more carefully for Jesus’ teaching and live more fully as the body of Christ.
The Questioning Crowd
This Sunday, our Discipleship series continues Jesus’ sermon on a plain with one of the most difficult instructions imaginable: love your enemies.
The Expectant Crowd
This final Sunday in our series on reading the Bible, we turn to the final book of the New Testament: Revelation. Adam Marshall-Lopez, our Candidate for Ministry, brings our message this Sunday, asking important questions about how we read this controversial letter in modern times.
Revelation: Welcome to the Apocalypse
This final Sunday in our series on reading the Bible, we turn to the final book of the New Testament: Revelation. Adam Marshall-Lopez, our Candidate for Ministry, brings our message this Sunday, asking important questions about how we read this controversial letter in modern times.
Reading Paul’s Letters
This fifth Sunday in our series on reading the Bible, we continue through the New Testament with the letters attributed to Paul. Pastor Christopher brings our message this Sunday, focusing on an understanding of the historical Paul and his experience of God’s call to bring the message of Jesus to the Gentiles.
The Gospels
This fourth Sunday in our series on reading the Bible, we continue our exploration of the sacred texts that make up the Christian Bible with the core writings that help Christians claim their unique identity of faith: the Gospels.
On this Epiphany Sunday, we begin a series on how we read our Bibles, which can be an epiphany for us—a sudden and beautiful awareness of the divine.
As we conclude one year and prepare for the next, we consider a story of searching.