Sermons on New Testament (Page 40)
This Sunday we include children and youth from PB UMC in worship leadership as we explore a story of healing.
All Wrapped Up
This Sunday we take time to understand the events from the last two weeks at the UMCs General Conference.
On Fire!
This Sunday is Pentecost Sunday, and as we celebrate we will also welcome our Confirmands in full membership!
Seeking the Unseen
Ascension Sunday and the promise that humanity would not – and will not – be left alone.
Telling Our Stories
We celebrate #ItsTime Sunday in anticipation of the United Methodist General Conference, held this month in Portland, OR.
The Other Side
We explore the story of Peter’s vision before preaching to the Gentiles.
Called Into Life
This Sunday, Pastor Bob explores the story of Sam Moehlig.
Finding Our Vision
A time of visioning, a time to clear away the things that cloud our vision so we can work to see through God’s eyes.
Celebrating with a message of resurrection and celebration.
The Crucifixion of Jesus
On Friday of Holy Week, Jesus was tried before the Roman governor and was executed.