Sermons on New Testament (Page 43)
The Way of Poverty
This Sunday we continue our annual Stewardship season on “Stewardship with the Saints” with Jesus’ teaching to a rich man and the humble ministry of St. Francis of Assisi.
The Way of Generosity
This Sunday we continue our annual Stewardship season on “Stewardship with the Saints” with the familiar story of Zacchaeus and examination of the author of the Gospel of Luke.
The Way of Necessity
This Sunday we begin our annual Stewardship season with a series on “Stewardship with the Saints,” and will learn about Sarah Crosby, an 18th Century Methodist woman preacher!
Powerful Prayer
This Sunday we conclude our series on personal and social holiness with a focus on prayer.
Peace in Wisdom
This Sunday we continue to explore living in both personal and social holiness with a focus on the wisdom that comes from beyond us.
This Sunday we continue to explore how to live in both personal and social holiness with a focus on the power of our words.
Outward Signs
This Sunday we consider how we are continually called to live our faith outwardly through good works.
Youth Sunday 2015
This is a full Sunday as we begin in worship in celebration of Youth Sunday! Our Spirit-filled worship experience was led by the youth of PB UMC!
Communion: Challenge & Choice
The conclusion of our sermon series on Holy Communion with the reminder that our journey of faith is not expected to be easy.
Communion: Receiving the Christ
This Sunday we continue our sermon series on Holy Communion with an exploration of an especially difficult passage.