Sermons on New Testament (Page 44)

Sermons on New Testament (Page 44)

Communion: Invitation to Life

This Sunday we continue our sermon series on Holy Communion as Pastor Bob explores Jesus’ challenging words as invitation to life. Scripture: John 6:35, 41-51

Seeking Rest

This Sunday we explore the importance of self-care and our need to rest from time to time.

Going Home

Youth Ministries Director, Dee Baraw, reflects on the poor reception Jesus received in his hometown of Nazareth, and how that teaches us the importance of being accepting and welcoming to receive the full benefit of God’s grace.

New Life in Hope & Healing

Pastor Bob responds to the Supreme Court ruling on marriage equality and explores the new possibilities available when we look at the world with a lens of hope.

Growing in Vision

This Sunday Pastor Bob will explore the idea of visioning (or dreaming) with God in mind and growing our vision through faith.


Pastor Bob will explore faith as a journey that moves us ever-forward toward God’s holy love.

Trinity: Creator & Triune God

This Sunday is Trinity Sunday, and Pastor Bob concludes the short sermon series on the Trinity with a focus on the God the Creator and then a look at the mystery of the Trinity. Scriptures: Romans 8:12-17    and John 3:1-17