Sermons on New Testament (Page 45)
Is Heaven for Real?
In this continuing series on Questioning God, Pastor Bob explores the deep questions often asked about death and the afterlife while wrestling with difficult scripture. Then follows the challenge of whether or not these are even the right questions…
The Right Stuff
Pastor Bob continues the sermon series, “Questioning God” with an exploration of the call of all Christians to participate in ministry, and the empowering nature of the Holy Spirit.
Free Grace
Pastor Bob continues the sermon series “Questioning God” with a sermon on forgiveness including an excerpt from John Wesley’s sermon by the same name.
Seeing God
Pastor Bob begins the “Questioning God” series by addressing the question, “Can we see God?”
Rocks, Wells, and Waiting Hearts
Perhaps it will be helpful to begin our reflections this morning with a consideration of how precious and essential water is to life.
In Season and Out of Season
“Talent and natural intelligence and even luck can take you a long way,” admits this wise person, “but perseverance can take you further.”
Welcome to the Olympic Village
Welcome to the Olympic village. You are here to live the life — run the race — of faith.
Go with the Glo
“In dark times, and dark places,” Anne Lamott suddenly remembered, “our job is to give off light — God’s light! — and to care for the least of God’s people.”
Conversions at the Table
The dinner table, at its best, can be a place of reconciliation. Sadly, however, the dinner table can also be a place of alienation and exclusion.
Turning Around Is Possible
In a flash, Saul has been reduced to a state of extreme vulnerability. He is blind, stunned, and scared. God, however, has a plan.