Sermons on New Testament (Page 47)
Rocks, Wells, and Waiting Hearts
Perhaps it will be helpful to begin our reflections this morning with a consideration of how precious and essential water is to life.
In Season and Out of Season
“Talent and natural intelligence and even luck can take you a long way,” admits this wise person, “but perseverance can take you further.”
Welcome to the Olympic Village
Welcome to the Olympic village. You are here to live the life — run the race — of faith.
Go with the Glo
“In dark times, and dark places,” Anne Lamott suddenly remembered, “our job is to give off light — God’s light! — and to care for the least of God’s people.”
Conversions at the Table
The dinner table, at its best, can be a place of reconciliation. Sadly, however, the dinner table can also be a place of alienation and exclusion.
Turning Around Is Possible
In a flash, Saul has been reduced to a state of extreme vulnerability. He is blind, stunned, and scared. God, however, has a plan.
From Idle Tale to Life-Changing Event
Religious ritual was something Rachel Levy shared with her father and found to be affirming, beautiful, and filled with love. When she lost her father, her faith was shattered.
Faith Looks Up
Naomi Nye has written a poem called “I feel sorry for Jesus.” It begins like this: I feel sorry for Jesus People won’t leave Him alone. I know He said, “Wherever two or more are gathered in my name…” but I’ll bet some days He regrets it.
Stubborn Devotion
Today’s scripture readings contains two stories which seem to be about stubborn devotion. The first is the story of the transfiguration, in which Jesus’ disciples remain steadfast at the top of a mountain even though they are absolutely terrified.
Through the Roof
The story of the healing of the paralytic not only left a literal hole in somebody’s roof, it also blew the lid off the common understanding of how God works and who gets privileges.