Sermons on New Testament (Page 6)

Sermons on New Testament (Page 6)

When Things Go Downhill

How did that mountaintop moment change or equip Jesus and the disciples for what was ahead as Jesus’ path takes a decisive turn toward Jerusalem and the cross? How do moments of light, awe, wonder and glory change and equip us for the ups and downs of life’s journey?


Our scripture reading from Mark invites us to reflect on the notion of “seeking.” When and how does “seeking” impede the movement of the Spirit and when and how does it lead us deeper into relationship, light and life?

What Have You to Do With Us?

Our text for this week reveals Jesus as a teacher and an exorcist. A demon asks Jesus this crucial question: “What have you do with us?” Join us as we explore the ways this ancient question has relevance for our lives today.

God Doesn’t Steer Parked Cars

Certified Lay Minister Dakota Koenig invites us to consider the “dash” between the beginning and end of our lives, and how God is with us as the ups and downs strengthen us for the journey.

Come and See

Rev. Lesley Brogan helps us explore what it means to “come and see” in our path of discipleship.

How Does a Weary World Rejoice? Hope…

On this fourth Sunday in Advent, we explore how music and singing supported “robust hope” for those who came before us, what it does for us today and how those tunes and melodies will support and transform generations still to come.

How Does a Weary World Rejoice? Connect…

Today on the second Sunday of Advent, we continue to contemplate the notion of how a weary world rejoices. What is happiness? What is joy and where does it come from? What part does connection with others play in joy?