Sermons on New Testament (Page 7)
How Does a Weary World Rejoice? Acknowledge…
What is joy? How do we receive it? Is it even possible in these difficult times? How does joy change us? How does it change the world?
Do You Ever Feel Like A Frog?
Do you ever feel like a frog? Today we are delighted to welcome back Rev. Dan Meyer-Abbott.
The “parable of the talents” challenges us with its language and imagery but it also prods us to mindfulness and intention about what we’re doing with this precious life we’ve been given.
Leaving the Light On
What does the parable of the “wise and foolish virgins” mean to us, the body of Christ in the world today, to keep the light on and to anticipate the coming of joy?
At Peace
On this All Saints Sunday, we lean into God’s promises and give thanks for the legacies of those who have gone before us.
The Grace of Willingness
Miracles were integral parts of Jesus’ ministry. In one account, Jesus walks us through the simplicity of what is required for their occurrence and the pathway for surrendering into this deepening of faith.
Learning and Living
This week our Gospel reading draws our attention to commandments that are central to our Christian faith… the commandments to love God and our neighbor as our self.
God Behind It All
This Laity Sunday, we recognize that the majority of folks in ministry are lay people, sharing God’s light and love in all kinds of amazing ways!
The parable of the vineyard renters is full of violence, so much so that we may want to reject it altogether. But what does this parable have to say to us? What was the context in which it was told and can it help us grow in our understanding of what it means to be residents in God’s vineyard?
Today we celebrate World Communion Sunday, mindful of Christ followers around the world gathering at tables of welcome, belonging and grace.