Sermons on Revelation
At Peace
On this All Saints Sunday, we lean into God’s promises and give thanks for the legacies of those who have gone before us.
Be Thou My Vision
Join us on Sunday as we explore these passages that remind us of the divine vision that guides, encourages and inspires us.
Blessed in the Not Yet
Today is a special day in the life of the Church as we will be celebrating All Saints Sunday! The United Methodist Church understands “saints” in the New Testament sense of the word which includes Christians of all places and times. We remember and honor the saints of our lives, specifically those who have died in this last year. We share the names of beloved church members, family members and friends whom we have lost. We give thanks for all they have shared with us and among us, remembering them with the refrain, “Absent from our midst…present with the Lord.”
Revelation: Welcome to the Apocalypse
This final Sunday in our series on reading the Bible, we turn to the final book of the New Testament: Revelation. Adam Marshall-Lopez, our Candidate for Ministry, brings our message this Sunday, asking important questions about how we read this controversial letter in modern times.
Stumbling Into Promise
This Sunday, we will explore what all saints are promised to enjoy through God’s determination to set creation free from the power of sin and death
Go with the Glo
“In dark times, and dark places,” Anne Lamott suddenly remembered, “our job is to give off light — God’s light! — and to care for the least of God’s people.”