Sermons on 2 Samuel
God’s Presence Among Us
In the Bible, God’s physical presence with humans is noted in at least five different ways…walking with Adam in the Garden of Eden, within the flaming bush before Moses, in the Ark of the Covenant kept in the Tabernacle and Temple of Solomon, in the person of Jesus, and at Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit became the presence of God among God’s people. Throughout Christian history, our places of worship have used light as a metaphor for the presence of the Almighty. Where is God’s presence and light in our world now, a world that seems so desperate to see it?
The Power of a Story
This week’s text from 2 Samuel is a portion of a larger narrative and describes the encounter between David and the prophet, Nathan. This section of scripture illustrates how life is a constant learning process and an on-going journey. We are always on a path of discovering who we are and how we are in relationship with God, others and ourselves. We have good moments and not so good moments and hopefully we can learn from them all.
A Time to Build
Today we talk a little bit about our own sanctuary project as it relates to building but, just as importantly, we’ll talk about God’s notions around this topic of building. What does God want from God’s people when it comes to buildings? What does God NOT want? What needs to be broken down first in order to build up? How do we know, in God’s realm, when it’s time to build? Who is the builder? What is being built? Join us as we ponder this and more!
Questions of Faith
This Sunday we catch up on our Questions of Faith! Listen as Pastor Bob, along with members of the congregation, shed some light on the Questions other members have asked.
Dancing for the Divine
This Sunday we explore King David’s presence in a parade transporting the Ark of the Covenant.