Sermons on Genesis
Today we explore these questions about rest through the lens of the prophet Elijah and the much cherished psalm, Psalm 23. Is rest really that important? What happens to us when we don’t honor the rhythms of life to which God calls us? What is the personal and communal fallout when we fail to rest?
What Is New, and What Is Old?
Throughout the Sundays of August, we’ll explore the notion of rest and renewal from a biblical and theological perspective. What is God’s hope and intention for the rhythms of our human lives? What is Sabbath and what difference does it make to us as Christians in 2023?
How Do We Begin Again?
How have we experienced “beginning again” in our lives? Why do we sometimes resist it? How might God be inviting us to “begin again” this Lenten season?
First, Listen
This week we begin with the story of Eve in the Garden and Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness. These accounts remind us of something essential…that seeking begins with listening.
Faces of Our Faith: Adam & Eve
Today we begin at the beginning…with Adam and Eve, focusing on the second creation story (yes, there are two of them!). This story looks less at the creation of the cosmos and more at God’s intention for human community.
A Blessing of the Animals is often celebrated close to the Feast Day of St. Francis (October 4th) and we are partaking in this wonderful tradition this morning! We delight in the knowledge that all of God’s creation is GOOD. We will be lifting up, in word and song and story, thanksgiving for the many blessings we receive through our pets and all of God’s glorious creation.
I’ve Been Meaning to Ask…Where Are You From?
Today we begin a four-week sermon series that will take us through a variety of questions that begin with the phrase “I’ve Been Meaning to Ask You.”
The Power of a Name
Our scripture reading from Genesis this week focuses on Abraham and Sarah, who started their journey as Abram and Sarai. But in their relationship with God and as a part of the covenant between them and God, they received new names. We’ll spend some time today thinking about what that meant for them and what our names and labels mean for us, as people of faith, today.
Peace with Justice: Association without Assimilation
What does the Bible say about creation and systemic racism? Hear the powerful message by Rev. Anthony Boger speak on association without assimilation.
Sacred Pillars
All of us have “sacred pillars,” ways that we mark our encounters with the living God. This Sunday, Pastor Lori shares her four pillars.