Sermons on Genesis (Page 3)

Sermons on Genesis (Page 3)


This Sunday, we begin a new sermon series that journeys through the book of Genesis as guided by our Revised Common Lectionary. This Sunday we begin with the creation story and explore how God’s voice called order from chaos. Scriptures: Genesis 1:1-2:4a Click here for additional resources on this sermon. Note:  today’s audio recording is from the 9:00 service, while the video is from the 10:30 service. Copyright info

Giving Up Control

These opening lectionary texts both highlight temptation, though the responses are profoundly different


Pastor Bob will explore faith as a journey that moves us ever-forward toward God’s holy love.

Mind. Blown.

This Sunday, Pastor Bob explores the awe-inspiring nature of God when we allow our minds to be opened.