Sermons on Old Testament (Page 5)

Sermons on Old Testament (Page 5)


Our lectionary readings for today include Psalm 23 along with a portion of John’s gospel that reminds us that Jesus is the good shepherd. What does it mean for us to be sheep? What does it mean to have a shepherd? 

Lifted Up

Our lectionary readings today bring us two fairly complex and curious passages with which to wrestle.  The first testament reading from Numbers may be totally unfamiliar.  If you suffer from Ophidiophobia (fear of snakes), you might find it especially disturbing!  Our Gospel reading, on the other hand, is likely to be familiar to all.  It contains perhaps the best known and often repeated line of Christian scripture that’s out there…“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son…” What is the connection between these passages?

The Power of a Name

Our scripture reading from Genesis this week focuses on Abraham and Sarah, who started their journey as Abram and Sarai. But in their relationship with God and as a part of the covenant between them and God, they received new names. We’ll spend some time today thinking about what that meant for them and what our names and labels mean for us, as people of faith, today.

Cal-Pac Service – Together in Worship

We will have a special service today from the Cal-Pac Conference! This service was provided to local congregations as a gift, and is a collection of a variety of musicians, worship leaders and preachers giving witness from a diverse context of settings, all giving glory to God as we celebrate Christ’s birth.

Laity Sunday with Guest Speaker Caryn Blanton

On this Laity Sunday, Caryn Blanton, co-chair of Shoreline Community Services, shares with us about the work of Shoreline in our community and how it is an expression of the kind of work and service described in Isaiah and proclaimed by Jesus.

Finding Life

What does it look like for you to “give your life away”? Join us as we reflect on suffering, salvation, and our faith journeys.
Sacred Pillars

Sacred Pillars

All of us have “sacred pillars,” ways that we mark our encounters with the living God. This Sunday, Pastor Lori shares her four pillars.
Where do you think God might be leading you in the face of these feelings of separation?

Don’t Worry

Today’s sermon is the Genesis narrative of Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar. How does God meet us in our pan, anxiety, and estrangement?