Sermons on Old Testament (Page 5)

Sermons on Old Testament (Page 5)


This Sunday we celebrate All Saints Sunday, a day when we are especially mindful of the great cloud of witnesses and the communion of the saints.  It is a day of acknowledging death and the tears, grief and sadness that accompany it.  But it is also a day of holding fast to life, including life in our here and now and the promise of life eternal to come.  


A Blessing of the Animals is often celebrated close to the Feast Day of St. Francis (October 4th) and we are partaking in this wonderful tradition this morning!  We delight in the knowledge that all of God’s creation is GOOD.  We will be lifting up, in word and song and story, thanksgiving for the many blessings we receive through our pets and all of God’s glorious creation.  

The Power of a Story

This week’s text from 2 Samuel is a portion of a larger narrative and describes the encounter between David and the prophet, Nathan. This section of scripture illustrates how life is a constant learning process and an on-going journey. We are always on a path of discovering who we are and how we are in relationship with God, others and ourselves. We have good moments and not so good moments and hopefully we can learn from them all.  

I’ve Been Meaning to Ask… Where Do We Go From Here?

Today we’ll wrap up our July sermon series with our fourth and final question, “Where Do We Go from Here?” Sometimes we’ve asked this question quite literally, especially in the days before GPS! But many a time we’ve asked ourselves this question in a much more figurative way.  Where am I going from here?  What is ahead for me?  For us?  For our families, our friends, our faith community?  The future is not crystal clear and we are not able to predict what is ahead.  But still, we ask the question, seeking direction, guidance, wisdom and light for our path.

I’ve Been Meaning to Ask… What Do You Need?

Our July sermon series, “I’ve Been Meaning to Ask,” continues this morning with the question, “What Do You Need?” What we know for certain about need is that we need each other.  How does today’s question invite us to lean in with curiosity and openness in order to strengthen the connections between us?  How does this question invite vulnerability and open heartedness in relationship?  What are scriptural examples of those in need and the people around them who responded in an effort to help?  We’ll spend time with Job in the First Testament and Paul in the Epistles as we explore this question together.  

A Time to Build

Today we talk a little bit about our own sanctuary project as it relates to building but, just as importantly, we’ll talk about God’s notions around this topic of building. What does God want from God’s people when it comes to buildings? What does God NOT want? What needs to be broken down first in order to build up? How do we know, in God’s realm, when it’s time to build? Who is the builder? What is being built? Join us as we ponder this and more!

Being Renewed

Being renewed doesn’t always necessarily equate to getting an ample amount of rest. God renews us by filling our cups, so we can pour ourselves into others.


Our lectionary readings for today include Psalm 23 along with a portion of John’s gospel that reminds us that Jesus is the good shepherd. What does it mean for us to be sheep? What does it mean to have a shepherd? 

Lifted Up

Our lectionary readings today bring us two fairly complex and curious passages with which to wrestle.  The first testament reading from Numbers may be totally unfamiliar.  If you suffer from Ophidiophobia (fear of snakes), you might find it especially disturbing!  Our Gospel reading, on the other hand, is likely to be familiar to all.  It contains perhaps the best known and often repeated line of Christian scripture that’s out there…“For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son…” What is the connection between these passages?