Sermons on Old Testament (Page 7)

Sermons on Old Testament (Page 7)

We Believe: God

This week we begin a new series on The Apostles’ Creed, one of the earliest statements of the Christian faith. We will explore the opening phrase: “I believe in God the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth.” Is it possible that everything we know about the God of the universe is still incomplete?

Heaven on Their Minds

This Sunday we enter the season of Lent and our Jesus Christ Superstar series with the opening song, “Heaven on Their Minds.” This song critiques Jesus and the disciples, and while it is from Judas’ perspective, it is also very much from “the outside looking in.” Our scriptures for this Sunday echo a similar perspective.

The Hebrew Bible

This third Sunday in our series on reading the Bible, we explore the continuation of the Hebrew Bible.

The Creation Stories

This second Sunday in our series on reading the Bible, we explore the creation stories in Genesis and consider important questions about how we understand these early narratives about the beginnings of the world.


This week closes out our series on Job with reconciliation, redemption, and restoration. And these don’t necessarily look the way we expect them to…


This third week of our Mystery series from the book of Job, we finally hear God’s response to Job’s questioning. And the response seems pretty surprising…


The month of November features a series on the book of Job, and this week includes Job’s sense of isolation…


The month of November features a series on the book of Job, and this week starts with an introduction to Job and the beginning of his trials…

Why Stewardship?

The month of October is traditionally the season where we focus on Stewardship. We begin with an important exploration about why stewardship is important as a kick-off to an exploration of Clayton Christensen’s book, “How Will You Measure Your Life?”