Sermons on Old Testament (Page 8)

Sermons on Old Testament (Page 8)

Why Stewardship?

The month of October is traditionally the season where we focus on Stewardship. We begin with an important exploration about why stewardship is important as a kick-off to an exploration of Clayton Christensen’s book, “How Will You Measure Your Life?”


This Sunday we conclude our conversations about community. Pastor Bob returns as we explore how we can bring our own uniqueness into creating community, and the importance of doing so!


This Sunday we continue our conversations about community. Adam Marshall-Lopez brings Sunday’s message, exploring the storytelling that forms our sacred text and our own lives.


This Sunday we continue our conversations about community. Samuel has grown old and the people have become discontented with his leadership. But is what they’re asking what they really want or need?


This Sunday we continue our conversations about community. The story of Samuel’s call in the temple helps us to think about the importance of community in unusual circumstances.

A New Life in the Spirit

This Sunday we celebrate Pentecost Sunday as well as 50 years since the merger that established The United Methodist Church. We’ll enjoy a short informational video about our heritage and an inspiring message from Pastor Christopher.

Daring to Dream

This Sunday we continue our series on Les Misérables with a look at dreams and facing those times when our dreams seem unreachable.


This fifth Sunday in Lent concludes our sermon series on Rehab. To finish out the series, we will explore the promise we are given that the wilderness is not without end, that angels guide us and comfort us, and that hope is possible.


This Sunday, we continue in the Lenten season. Through our series lens of Rehab, we explore the means by which we might navigate the wilderness.