Sermons on Old Testament (Page 9)

Sermons on Old Testament (Page 9)


This Sunday is Transfiguration Sunday when we celebrate Jesus and his closest disciples ascension up a mountain. Jesus is made to shine as the disciples look on with wonder.

In the Beginning Was the Word

This Sunday we conclude our series on The Power of Words looking at this reminder: In the beginning was the Word. So what does that mean? Scriptures: Exodus 20:7; Psalm 19:14; John 1:1, 14a Click here for additional resources on this sermon. Copyright info


This Sunday we continue with the Revised Common Lectionary and a text from Joshua that reminds us that we make our own choices about our faith.


This Sunday we conclude the exploration of Moses and the Exodus, considering the story of the people’s desire for food as they enter into the wilderness.

Wind, Sky, and Sea

This Sunday we continue a journey through the story of Moses and the Exodus, particularly exploring the story of Moses guiding the Israelites through the Red Sea.


This Sunday we continue a journey through the story of Moses and the Exodus, particularly exploring the story of the Passover and the final plague of Egypt.


This Sunday we begin a journey through the story of Moses and the Exodus, particularly exploring the presence of fire and how Moses responds.


This Sunday, we conclude our sermon series that journeys through the book of Genesis as guided by our Revised Common Lectionary, exploring the idea of legacy. What kind of legacy have Abraham and Sarah left to Isaac? How will he carry it on? What does it teach us about our own faith? Our own legacies? Scripture: Genesis 24:34-38 Click here for additional resources on this sermon. Copyright info Note Our apologies, but this week’s video was not captured on YouTube.…

Rites of Passage

This week’s story continues the journey of Abraham’s family with the familiar story of “the binding of Isaac.”