Full to the Brim

Full to the Brim

Living Into Resurrection

We have been intentional this Lent in our exploration of what it means to be “filled to the brim” and to lean into the abundant and expansive life to which God calls us.  There is no day that “overflows” with God’s love and grace more than Easter.

Upon This Rock

Our talented and dedicated choir leads us through the joys and sorrows of this important day through the eyes of the very human Apostle Peter in a a beautiful musical presentation, “Upon This Rock.”


Mary anointed Jesus’s feet with expensive perfume. What bold, brazen acts of faith, beauty and love might we be called to as we approach Holy Week this year?

Lost and Found

Bailey Brawner leads us through a reflection on the Parable of the Prodigal Son as we work to be open to God’s perspective and really allow ourselves to be known by God.


Adam will be leads us through a reflection on the Parable of the Fig Tree as we contemplate God’s care and nurture in this holy season.

Gathered In

Our scripture passage for this second Sunday in Lent has us contemplating the nature of God.  Jesus describes himself in a somewhat surprising way…like a mother hen who wants to gather in all of her baby chicks.

The Power of Empty

Today we introduce our Lenten theme, “Full to the Brim.”  We will contemplate what we need to “do” or “undo” in order to lean into the abundant life God offers.