I've Been Meaning to Ask...
I’ve Been Meaning to Ask… Where Do We Go From Here?
Today we’ll wrap up our July sermon series with our fourth and final question, “Where Do We Go from Here?” Sometimes we’ve asked this question quite literally, especially in the days before GPS! But many a time we’ve asked ourselves this question in a much more figurative way. Where am I going from here? What is ahead for me? For us? For our families, our friends, our faith community? The future is not crystal clear and we are not able to predict what is ahead. But still, we ask the question, seeking direction, guidance, wisdom and light for our path.
I’ve Been Meaning to Ask… What Do You Need?
Our July sermon series, “I’ve Been Meaning to Ask,” continues this morning with the question, “What Do You Need?” What we know for certain about need is that we need each other. How does today’s question invite us to lean in with curiosity and openness in order to strengthen the connections between us? How does this question invite vulnerability and open heartedness in relationship? What are scriptural examples of those in need and the people around them who responded in an effort to help? We’ll spend time with Job in the First Testament and Paul in the Epistles as we explore this question together.
I’ve Been Meaning to Ask…Where Does It Hurt?
Today we’ll explore the value of making space for one another’s pain on both a personal level and in the public domain. We’ll also dig into our scripture passage from Mark with its reminders that the Divine not only doesn’t shy away from human suffering but always seems to be right in the thick of it.