Jesus Christ Superstar
Jesus Christ Superstar
This Sunday is Easter Sunday! The day includes a sunrise service on Mission Bay, a fundraiser pancake breakfast, our traditional services with a brass quintet, and an Easter egg hunt for children. Jesus is risen! Hallelujah! Death isn’t the end! Love doesn’t die!
Interrogation: King Herod
This Sunday’s service will be experienced as Passion Sunday, a somber reflection on the cruelty Jesus experienced in his last few hours before the crucifixion.
I Only Want to Say
This Sunday’s song and text are among the most emotional of Jesus’ ministry. We are reminded us of Jesus’ humanity as he prays about being overwhelmed, about sorrow, and the plea to be spared from what he knows will come.
I Don’t Know How to Love Him
This Sunday’s service explores one of the New Testament’s most enigmatic characters. Mary Magdalene can be found throughout the Gospels and is arguably the most important woman in Jesus’ earthly life – aside from his mother.
Hosanna / Pilate’s Dream
This Sunday, we celebrate Palm Sunday (early) and ask ourselves important questions about our Lenten preparations and about what is worth celebrating in our faith.
Everything’s Alright
This Sunday, we continue our Lenten worship series with a familiar text about Jesus being anointed with oil. John’s version of this story brings about thoughts of scarcity, but perhaps that’s the wrong way to think about it. Could there be a reading of this story that instead reminds us of God’s generosity?
Heaven on Their Minds
This Sunday we enter the season of Lent and our Jesus Christ Superstar series with the opening song, “Heaven on Their Minds.” This song critiques Jesus and the disciples, and while it is from Judas’ perspective, it is also very much from “the outside looking in.” Our scriptures for this Sunday echo a similar perspective.