Sermons by Adam Marshall

Sermons by Adam Marshall

Do Unto Others: Compassion

Reflecting on Isaiah’s mind-bending vision of compassion, what if compassion doesn’t start within relationships, but instead within ourselves?

Resisting Return

It can be tempting to get stuck in a cycle of slaving away and planning for the future. The Israelites were instructed to collect only the manna that they needed. In seasons of rest, how can we be intentional with actively resting? What practices or societal pressures threaten to draw us back into the “rat race”? How should we believe or how should we live if we were to take this admonition seriously?


Adam will be leads us through a reflection on the Parable of the Fig Tree as we contemplate God’s care and nurture in this holy season.

Go Back to the Well

Most would be confused or upset at the thought that “sorrow is better than laughter” like it states in Ecclesiastes 7:3. When we pretend that everything is okay, we are not handling our deep hurts and griefs—the only way to do that is to feel them and to open ourselves to healing. Putting on a happy face is not always right for our soul.

The Power of a Story

This week’s text from 2 Samuel is a portion of a larger narrative and describes the encounter between David and the prophet, Nathan. This section of scripture illustrates how life is a constant learning process and an on-going journey. We are always on a path of discovering who we are and how we are in relationship with God, others and ourselves. We have good moments and not so good moments and hopefully we can learn from them all.  

A Clear Rejection Is Better than a Fake Promise

Adam Marshall-Lopez leads us as we examine both the tension between Jesus and his family (evident in their attempt to take him out of public view) and the “inner” teaching about the unforgivable sin, blaspheming the Holy Spirit.

Life Interrupted

Do you feel God calling you to respond to interruptions differently; and if so, in what way? Join us this morning as we reflect on John 12 and Jesus’ heightening conflict with the Pharisees.

Who Let You in Here?

The Parable of the Wedding Banquet presents several challenges about what it means to be invited. How do we get ready? What do we wear? Can we help our neighbors?
In The Beginning

In the Beginning

This Sunday, we launch into a new sermon series. Our current reality of social isolation in the midst of a pandemic is not the only example of widescale stress and anxiety on the human species. Psychologists and historians continue to point out that one expression of humanity seems constant across such periods of stress—creativity.