Sermons by Adam Marshall (Page 2)

Sermons by Adam Marshall (Page 2)

In The Beginning

In the Beginning

This Sunday, we launch into a new sermon series. Our current reality of social isolation in the midst of a pandemic is not the only example of widescale stress and anxiety on the human species. Psychologists and historians continue to point out that one expression of humanity seems constant across such periods of stress—creativity.

Good Friday

A traditional Tenebrae service at 6:00pm that will include scripture and the extinguishing of candles as we proceed through the story of Jesus’ final hours.

Great Power and Great Grace

This Sunday’s text invites us to dream about possibilities and what can happen when we come together fully and completely in Christian community. None of us are alone on this journey of faith. When we come together as the body of Christ, we can do all things through the power of the One who gives us strength.

Adam Ruins Everything

This week, our own Adam Marshall-Lopez examines an troubling question of faith:  how could 1 Samuel attribute an “evil spirit” as coming from God? Or does it actually say that?

Heaven on Their Minds

This Sunday we enter the season of Lent and our Jesus Christ Superstar series with the opening song, “Heaven on Their Minds.” This song critiques Jesus and the disciples, and while it is from Judas’ perspective, it is also very much from “the outside looking in.” Our scriptures for this Sunday echo a similar perspective.

Revelation: Welcome to the Apocalypse

This final Sunday in our series on reading the Bible, we turn to the final book of the New Testament: Revelation. Adam Marshall-Lopez, our Candidate for Ministry, brings our message this Sunday, asking important questions about how we read this controversial letter in modern times.


This week closes out our series on Job with reconciliation, redemption, and restoration. And these don’t necessarily look the way we expect them to…