Sermons by Adam Marshall (Page 3)
Questions of Faith
Continuing this Sunday, pastors and leaders respond to questions submitted by congregation members. Pastor Bob and Pastor Christopher are joined by our own Adam Marshall-Lopez in exploring Questions of Faith.
Draw Crowds
This Sunday we continue our Healing Hands series. Adam Marshall-Lopez asks “Are we drawing a crowd?” What did that mean for Jesus? What does it mean in our complex world today?
This Sunday we continue our conversations about community. Adam Marshall-Lopez brings Sunday’s message, exploring the storytelling that forms our sacred text and our own lives.
Tradition of the Elders
Adam Marshall explores Jesus’ attitude towards tradition and invites us to consider the role of tradition in our lives and in our faith.
The Voice of the Prophets
Adam brings an exploration of our Old Testament prophets
The Nature of God
This Sunday we welcome Adam Marshall’s exploration of God through the lens of Moses and the burning bush.
Telling Our Stories
We celebrate #ItsTime Sunday in anticipation of the United Methodist General Conference, held this month in Portland, OR.