Sermons by Lesley Brogan
One More Epiphany for the Road
Epiphany is a season reminding us that God is at work in this world. Hour by hour, day by day. Sometimes we have to climb up a mountain to hear the next story.
Backward and Forward
Psalm 130 is one we might want to carry in our back pockets these days. And it reminds us, all the while, God is there, somehow seeing “backward and forward.”
I Am/We Are Right Here Right Now
On this Sunday closest to Earth Day, we celebrate God’s creation and remember our connection to one another and all that God has made.
Come and See
Rev. Lesley Brogan helps us explore what it means to “come and see” in our path of discipleship.
Starting (as If) for the First Time
Matthew’s text invites us to (re-)enter into the calling and sending of Jesus’ disciples. What if our names were added to the list? What if, as Tom Berlin encouraged, we were invited to spend the rest of our days “doing good well”?
Learning To Live without Knowing
“Peace be unto you.” Timeless words given and heard as if for the first time. Join us as Pastor Les shares the message and as we continue to celebrate the glory of Easter!
Mysteries of Our Faith
Transfiguration Sunday invites us to engage with words that can companion us as we soon turn our hearts to Jerusalem…”Stand up. Be not afraid.”
Hope Comes
Join Pastor Lesley as we explore the question; what does it mean when we ask God to “Save us from the time of trial.”?
Faces of Our Faith: The Ethiopian Eunuch, Overhearing Another’s Prayer
This Sunday we are delighted to welcome the Rev. Lesley Brogan as our preacher. She will help us explore the story of the Ethiopian Eunuch, inviting us into the realities of his difficult life, the hurdles he faced, and the depth of his faith.