Sermons by Lori Leopold (Page 11)
Table Talk
Jesus attended a dinner at the home of one of the religious leaders. Jesus offered advice about more than just table manners…he was talking about Kingdom manners.
Set Free
Join us on Sunday to hear more about the “bent over woman” and explore what it might mean for us and our world today as we continue to seek freedom from that which binds or diminishes us.
Faces of Our Faith: Eutychus
Who on earth is Eutychus? Join us as we ponder Eutychus’ story, his experience in that upper room and how he might encourage us in relation to those who have “fallen” in life or “fallen away” from the life of the church.
Faces of Our Faith: Judas Iscariot
Through the story of Judas we are reminded that we grow in faith in many different ways.
Faces of Our Faith: Anna
This Sunday we will return to the story of Jesus’ birth and infancy, focusing on a woman and prophet named Anna.
Faces of Our Faith: Adam & Eve
Today we begin at the beginning…with Adam and Eve, focusing on the second creation story (yes, there are two of them!). This story looks less at the creation of the cosmos and more at God’s intention for human community.
Neighbors…they can be a joy and/or a struggle! This Sunday we are spending time with one of Jesus’ most well known parables, the parable of the Good Samaritan.
First Things First
Today’s passage gives us the opportunity to reflect on what it means for us to “follow Jesus,” and how that takes shape in unique ways in each of our lives.
Our Gospel reading is the account of “Legion,” a man occupied by many demons. We explore this fascinating text, digging in a little deeper to find ways that this passage intersects with our lives..
Be Thou My Vision
Join us on Sunday as we explore these passages that remind us of the divine vision that guides, encourages and inspires us.