Sermons by Lori Leopold (Page 5)

Sermons by Lori Leopold (Page 5)

Leaving the Light On

What does the parable of the “wise and foolish virgins” mean to us, the body of Christ in the world today, to keep the light on and to anticipate the coming of joy?

At Peace

On this All Saints Sunday, we lean into God’s promises and give thanks for the legacies of those who have gone before us.

Learning and Living

This week our Gospel reading draws our attention to commandments that are central to our Christian faith… the commandments to love God and our neighbor as our self.

God Behind It All

This Laity Sunday, we recognize that the majority of folks in ministry are lay people, sharing God’s light and love in all kinds of amazing ways!


The parable of the vineyard renters is full of violence, so much so that we may want to reject it altogether. But what does this parable have to say to us? What was the context in which it was told and can it help us grow in our understanding of what it means to be residents in God’s vineyard?


Today we celebrate World Communion Sunday, mindful of Christ followers around the world gathering at tables of welcome, belonging and grace.

Seeing God’s Vineyard

This week’s Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard does not disappoint! If you strongly value “fairness,” you’re in for a ride. Can we possibly hear this parable and see anything beyond the decisively odd behavior of the land owner, whose actions might seem foolish and unfair to many? Is there a different lens through which we might view God’s vineyard and can that lens make a difference to how we see the world around us today?

Climate Change

As Christians we are asked to not only forgive others but to have forgiveness be the fabric of who we are and how we operate in the world. How do we forgive? What does non-forgiveness look like in our bodies, our lives, our families, our world? In a day and age when the cultural climate is rife with suspicion and hostility, how do we get on board with a Spirit-driven climate change that moves us from environments of vengeance to mercy?

Holy Ground

Today we explore the Bible passage about Moses and the burning bush. How does God reveal God’s self to us? Where and how are we invited to take off our shoes in recognition that we are standing on holy ground? And what are the invitations God extends to us in this time and place?  

How We Measure (Up)

Today we explore ways we can get “off course” from the true intention of Sabbath and reorient ourselves…away from “measuring up” and toward “measuring” that which is truly valuable from the perspective of Sabbath rest.