Sermons by Lori Leopold (Page 8)

Sermons by Lori Leopold (Page 8)


This Sunday we spend time with Matthew’s version of the Parable of the Sower. What constitutes “good soil” and what conditions are necessary for us to spiritually flourish, as individuals and as a community? What is Jesus trying to tell us about discipleship and ministry?


Join us for both sacraments of the church! What are these rituals and what do they mean? How do they connect us to the Spirit of the Living God and God’s amazing and never failing grace?


This week our text from Matthew invites us to explore and learn more about the nature of discipleship. We’ll reflect on the complexities of how we are in relationship with the world and with one another.

Spirit Seeking

Today we celebrate the day of Pentecost! On this special day we remember the coming of the Holy Spirit and celebrate the birthday of the church. What difference does the Holy Spirit make in our lives and our world today? How does the Holy Spirit continue to move between and among us?


Today is Ascension Sunday and we take a look at the account of the recently resurrected Christ being taken up or ascending to heaven. We don’t like to wait, but what if that’s how we become open to blessing?

Living Love

Today we continue in what’s known as the “Farewell Discourse” in the Gospel of John, taking a deeper dive into what exactly it means to follow in Christ’s Way. Jesus had some very specifics “asks” of disciples then and now AND he offered the promise of divine presence that would remain with his followers always. What exactly does it means to follow in Christ’s Way?

Preparing a Place

What does it mean that Jesus prepares a place for us? How is that a present reality in addition to a future promise? And what difference does it make for how we think about creating place and space for one another?

Traveling Companions

The story of Jesus on the road to Emmaus guides this Sunday. It’s an account that invites us to contemplate how we live into our understanding of “resurrection” and the role of our “traveling companions” on this sacred journey.

Who Are You Looking For?

Let us open our hearts and spirits this Easter to receive the glorious news once again. As our own cups are filled, may our lives become vessels that carry that life giving news to others.

Can These Bones Live?

These stories from Ezekiel and John talk about hope. During this particular time and place, what do our hearts and lives need in the way of hope and how are we called to share that hope with others?