Sermons by Lori Leopold (Page 9)

Sermons by Lori Leopold (Page 9)


Our Gospel reading is the account of “Legion,” a man occupied by many demons.  We explore this fascinating text, digging in a little deeper to find ways that this passage intersects with our lives..

Be Thou My Vision

Join us on Sunday as we explore these passages that remind us of the divine vision that guides, encourages and inspires us.

In and Out of God’s Way

Peter’s world was turned upside down when he realized the Holy Spirit was pushing and expanding the boundaries of their faith community in order to include those who had previously been adversaries.

Get Up

This week we spend time with the only woman in the Bible who is named as a disciple…Tabitha.  (Also known as Dorcas.)  (Which can be translated gazelle!)  Tabitha was well known in the community for her charitable spirit and good works supporting widows and the poor.


Paul went from being early Christianity’s biggest threat to being its biggest proponent, following an unexpected and life-changing encounter with the risen Christ.  We may not match the high drama of Paul’s story, but what can we learn about how God transforms individual identity and uses us as instruments in God’s unfolding story?


It’s Jesus’ first post-resurrection appearance.  The disciples, understandably afraid, were holed up, locked inside, unsure and uncertain about what would happen next.  Jesus came to them, showed them his wounds and breathed the Holy Spirit upon them. Bring your hope, fear, doubts, struggles…bring it all and come as you are!

Living Into Resurrection

We have been intentional this Lent in our exploration of what it means to be “filled to the brim” and to lean into the abundant and expansive life to which God calls us.  There is no day that “overflows” with God’s love and grace more than Easter.

Good Friday: Were You There?

Good Friday marks the day when hate and fear did their worst…the day of Jesus’ crucifixion.  On this day of grief and sorrow, we will gather with one another, in God’s care, to remember Jesus’ death on a cross.


Mary anointed Jesus’s feet with expensive perfume. What bold, brazen acts of faith, beauty and love might we be called to as we approach Holy Week this year?

Gathered In

Our scripture passage for this second Sunday in Lent has us contemplating the nature of God.  Jesus describes himself in a somewhat surprising way…like a mother hen who wants to gather in all of her baby chicks.