Sermons from March 2023

Sermons from March 2023

Can These Bones Live?

These stories from Ezekiel and John talk about hope. During this particular time and place, what do our hearts and lives need in the way of hope and how are we called to share that hope with others?

Who Sinned?

Jesus’ healing of a man born blind raises all kinds of questions. What kind of questions are good and what kind are bad? In what ways did the blind man see/perceive while the others did not?

Will You Give Me a Drink?

The story of Jesus asking the Samaritan woman for a drink inspires us to reflect on how we can learn from his example and cross boundaries to engage others?

How Do We Begin Again?

How have we experienced “beginning again” in our lives? Why do we sometimes resist it? How might God be inviting us to “begin again” this Lenten season?