Sermons from November 2024

Sermons from November 2024

Giving Thanks

This Sunday we are celebrating “Gratitude Sunday” as we approach the Thanksgiving holiday. Where or how does gratitude operate in your life of faith?

Endings and Beginnings

From Jesus’ conversation with the disciples about the destruction of the temple, what life lessons might we learn about the very real difficulty of endings and the very real possibility of something new?

Giving and Receiving

The story of the widow’s mite raises questions not only about giving but about the integrity of the recipients of gifts. What do we… both givers and receivers… have to learn anew?

Do Unto Others: Love

This week we conclude our “Do Unto Others” series with a focus on love. Over these five weeks, we’ve remembered Christ’s call to kindness, compassion, humility, respect, and love. How can we embody these qualities even in times of tension and disagreement?