Sermons from 2025
Everything In Between: Stranger and Neighbor
This Sunday we revisit the parable of the Good Samaritan and explore the concepts of “stranger and neighbor.” Jesus invites us out of the habit of looking for who is “us” and who is “them,” and into the messy middle in hopes of finding ourselves, one another and the God who loves and holds us all.
Everything In Between: Rule Followers
Our siblings from La Jolla UMC join us as we begin Lent together with our Ash Wednesday Service.
One More Epiphany for the Road
Epiphany is a season reminding us that God is at work in this world. Hour by hour, day by day. Sometimes we have to climb up a mountain to hear the next story.
Rule Followers
Love your enemies. What are we to do with this? What grace is there in this counter-intuitive approach?
Plain Speaking
This week we hear with fresh ears Jesus’ “sermon on the plain.” How does this passage offer deep encouragement and challenge, all at the same time?
On Being a Christian in America
Our guest speaker Dr. Karl Martin draws on his long experience as a professor of American culture to reflect on what it means to be a citizen of both this secular nation and of God’s present and coming kingdom.
Lea Ann Walker Celebration of Life
We gather to celebrate the remarkable life of our sister in Christ, Lea Ann Walker.
Bringing It Home
Our reading from Luke picks up where we left off last Sunday. Jesus was in his hometown of Nazareth where he was initially received a warm, enthusiastic welcome. But that welcome quickly turned to anger and Jesus narrowly escaped being thrown off a cliff. What caused the uproar from Jesus’ hometown folks? And when or how does that kind of anger get provoked in us?
What some have called Jesus’ inaugural address gives us insight into the type of messiah Jesus came to be. He boldly proclaimed that the words of Isaiah were “fulfilled” in him TODAY. What does that mean? And are there ways that the Word of God is fulfilled in and through us today as well?
Blessed Are the Meek
Today Rev. Dan guides us through the beatitudes, inviting us to contemplate what it means to be “meek” in Christ’s realm and how that is a blessing.
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