

This Sunday we celebrate All Saints Sunday, a day when we are especially mindful of the great cloud of witnesses and the communion of the saints.  It is a day of acknowledging death and the tears, grief and sadness that accompany it.  But it is also a day of holding fast to life, including life in our here and now and the promise of life eternal to come.  We honored members of our church family and other loved ones who have died in the past year with a special candle lighting ceremony.  We created an All Saints banner, where members pinned a bell or bells onto the banner in memory of their loved ones.  Our text for this Sunday is the raising of Lazarus, one of seven “signs” in the Gospel of John that reveals Jesus’ identity and mission. Join us as we explore this meaningful text and celebrate resurrection hope!

Scripture passage: Isaiah 25:6-9; John 11:32-44

Love in Action


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