Spiritual Practices for the Wilderness: Breath Prayer

Spiritual Practices for the Wilderness: Breath Prayer

Our supplementary Lenten series for 2021 presents a broad range of spiritual practices. The YouTube video for this week is below. Each one will tie in to Sunday’s Lectionary Passage. We often think of spiritual practices as general “prayer and meditation,” but the Christian tradition gives us many other tools to connect with God. You are invited to watch the video, try the spiritual practice out for yourself, and join in a discussion group around each one. It is likely you won’t connect with each practice presented — but we hope that one or two will resonate deeply with you (and to share them with others).


    David DeBus

    Dear Pastor Lori,
    I am so moved, and so enabled by the simplicity and clarity of your example and instruction. I have a long association with what you are calling “breath prayer.’ Today what came to me is “God, envelope me in you.” I also really appreciated your repeating the Pauline injunction to “pray without ceasing.” We probably both have outstanding experiences and readings from people who took this so seriously.



    Thank you Pastor Lori and Adam for this Lenten series. It’s been wonderful to try out these different spiritual practices!

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