'commandment' Tagged Posts
Inside Out
The scripture for this Sunday is a bit broken up, and part of what we’re exploring is just a portion of a Biblical literary device known academically as a “Markan Frame.” Separating this out helps us to focus on what we might discern from this focused portion of the text.
The Rich Young Ruler
This Sunday’s text is another familiar story. We read about a man who runs up to Jesus and kneels before him with a question about what is required for eternal life. Jesus responds to the urgent question with clarity, and continues to interact with the man with careful attention and love.
Hearts Full of Love
Sunday’s message reminds us that endings are not always endings.
Sunday’s message is about love, even when loving brings challenges. It is a selfless love that invites us to look beyond ourselves.
Jesus’ Priority: What Matters Most?
Come this Sunday to join in a conversation about how we can still be a congregation of deep faith while honestly exploring what may be unhealthy about our traditions and history