'creation' Tagged Posts

'creation' Tagged Posts

The Creation Stories

This second Sunday in our series on reading the Bible, we explore the creation stories in Genesis and consider important questions about how we understand these early narratives about the beginnings of the world.

Rites of Passage

This Sunday we near the end of our sermon series from Genesis and the Revised Common Lectionary called From Chaos to Community. If last Sunday’s scripture was difficult to reconcile, this week’s continuation of Abraham’s story is even more challenging. This week we wrestle with the difficult story that is generously – if somewhat misleadingly – known as “the binding of Isaac.” Often we approach this story looking primarily from Abraham’s perspective and affirming the depth of his faith in God. I…


Separation can be intensely hard. When separation takes place, it can feel as though the world is ending. Where is God in these times?


Our text this week brings about many images of camping and hospitality and laughter and pregnancy.


Beginning a new sermon series based on the stories of Genesis, we begin with our ancient stories of creation…

Giving Up Superiority

This third Sunday in Lent, we continue the series “Giving It Up” by looking at where we hold ourselves above others…

Giving Up Control

This Sunday we begin a Lenten series, and this week’s focus is on temptation and an unwilling loss of control.