'God' Tagged Posts

'God' Tagged Posts

We Believe: God

This week we begin a new series on The Apostles’ Creed, one of the earliest statements of the Christian faith. We will explore the opening statement: “I believe in God the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth.” Is it possible that everything we know about the God of the universe is still incomplete?


This Sunday we begin a new series that parallels Paul’s letter to the church of Rome alongside Margaret Atwood’s novel, The Handmaid’s Tale – a disturbingly dystopian vision of religion and power gone toxic.


This Sunday of the series wraps up the story of Abraham and Sarah and turns to the story of Isaac. Are all the problems over? What is the legacy left behind?

Rites of Passage

This Sunday we near the end of our sermon series from Genesis and the Revised Common Lectionary called From Chaos to Community. If last Sunday’s scripture was difficult to reconcile, this week’s continuation of Abraham’s story is even more challenging. This week we wrestle with the difficult story that is generously – if somewhat misleadingly – known as “the binding of Isaac.” Often we approach this story looking primarily from Abraham’s perspective and affirming the depth of his faith in God. I…


Separation can be intensely hard. When separation takes place, it can feel as though the world is ending. Where is God in these times?


Our text this week brings about many images of camping and hospitality and laughter and pregnancy.


Beginning a new sermon series based on the stories of Genesis, we begin with our ancient stories of creation…

Jesus’ Priority: What Matters Most?

Come this Sunday to join in a conversation about how we can still be a congregation of deep faith while honestly exploring what may be unhealthy about our traditions and history

Why I Believe

A friend of mine who is a pastor at a United Methodist church in Santa Barbara asked me to join with others in a written series he was assembling called “Why I Believe.” The series explores the choice – and indeed it is a choice for each of us – to live a life of faith. You can see the original post here. We are in the season of Lent, a time where Christians around the world take time for…