'jesus' Tagged Posts (Page 3)

'jesus' Tagged Posts (Page 3)

Reading Paul’s Letters

This fifth Sunday in our series on reading the Bible, we continue through the New Testament with the letters attributed to Paul.

The Gospels

This fourth Sunday in our series on reading the Bible, we continue our exploration of the sacred texts that make up the Christian Bible with the core writings that help Christians claim their unique identity of faith: the Gospels.

Bring Life

On Sunday, our annual Outdoor Worship celebrates the beginning of summer and the 4th of July. We also begin a new series focused on the healing stories of Jesus.

Missing Jesus

In this new sermon series based on the musical (and book) Les Misérables, we explore emotions like despair and hopelessness in an effort to find ways that our spirits can be lifted…

Rise Up

This Sunday’s lectionary text reminds us that Jesus frees us to be who God creates us to be.

Step Up: Prayer

The October tradition at Pacific Beach UMC is to explore our Stewardship commitments. We begin with prayer because there can be no Stewardship without first being in conversation with God.

Giving Up Death

This Sunday is Easter Sunday!! We conclude our Lenten series with the reminder that Jesus’ death and resurrection mean we are no longer subject to sin and death.