'readiness 360' Tagged Posts

'readiness 360' Tagged Posts

Discipleship – Part II

In our continuing discussion of Discipleship, we have been exploring the meaning of discipleship specifically in the context of the community here at Pacific Beach UMC. After last month’s post about discipleship, we have continued to have great conversations, and several members and friends of PB UMC have asked intriguing questions.

All-Church Gathering

All members and friends of Pacific Beach UMC are invited to gather together to share in a lunch and a presentation of several items important to the life of this congregation.

Beach Breeze – April 2015

To view the April 2015 edition of the Beach Breeze on a mobile device or to save and/or print, click this button: Download Or copy and paste this link into your web browser: https://www.pbumc.org/media/newsletters/breeze_1504.pdf


A recent question came in through the church office that I would like to address here rather than in worship because it connects with some ongoing work that some PB UMC leaders are doing. The question submitted is: What is a disciple?


More. It seems like we’re always looking for more. And in a consumer-driven culture like ours, the idea of always looking for more can be harmful if we’re not careful…