Email Scam Alert

Email Scam Alert

The church was recently the target of an email scam. These scams can be pretty convincing at first and seek to prey on our members’ goodwill and willingness to help. Here’s a short video with some tips on how to recognize and avoid these kinds of scams:

In summary, look for these clues:

  • If it’s an urgent request, it’s a scam.
  • If it suggests donating by gift card, Western Union, Venmo, or other untraceable means, it’s a scam.
  • If the email address does not end in, it’s probably not from the church.
  • If the email has grammar and spelling mistakes, it’s probably not from the alleged sender.

The church can always use donations, but take your time! Write a check and mail it to the church or drop it in the offering plate. Or give online through our official giving page Thank you for supporting the church and be safe out there!