What We Do

What We Do

Pacific Beach United Methodist Church is a congregation that works hard to embody the most important commandments as instructed in Matthew 22:36-40. What we are about is love: love of God and love of our neighbors.

To live this out, we join together in exciting and passionate worship with dynamic elements of music & the arts. We serve our neighbors in a number of ways including free weekly meals for anyone who is hungry, and we are a congregation who welcomes all persons in all levels of life and leadership in the church as a reconciling congregation.

Our Mission
We, the people of Pacific Beach United Methodist Church, affirm that we belong to God in Christ Jesus and to each other in covenant. We are called and empowered by the Holy Spirit to:

  • Love and worship God,
  • Grow in grace and faith,
  • Care for one other, and
  • Reach out to others.

Pacific Beach United Methodist Church welcomes all people, regardless of age, race, gender, marital status, physical condition, sexual orientation, ethnic background, or economic situation.
