The “Voices of Praise” choir leads the congregation in worship every Sunday. The choir meets Sunday mornings at 8 a.m. not only to rehearse, but also to pray, laugh, and talk together before the worship services begin at 9:00 and 10:30. Musical selections include traditional, contemporary, and gospel pieces. The choir is open to musicians of all skill levels. Special annual events (a retreat, and a “tour” to sing at a church in another city) build community among the members. Music director Ron Jessee has a background in drama and teaching, so there is never a dull moment with “Voices of Praise.”
Christmas Musical
PBUMC’s annual Christmas musical always presents a fresh perspective on this timeless story.
Below is a video from our 2014 production of “The Homecoming: A Smoky Mountain Christmas,” a humorous and heart-warming story that will strike a familiar chord with anyone who has ever spent Christmas with their extended family.
Pacific Beach United Methodist Church Children’s Choir
We welcome all children as young as 3 through elementary school. Older kids and teens are welcome to come help out too! Singing ability is NOT a requirement! We learn pitch, rhythm and have fun!
Pacific Beach United Methodist Church Children’s Choir performs “David and Goliath”
“When We All Get to Heaven” Stained Glass Windows
Dedicated September 28, 2003

The designer and creator of these windows is a local artist. The design includes trumpets that might be thought of as announcing the resurrection (as in 1 Corinthians 15:52, “The trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised imperishable…”). Because the windows interface with the courtyard, the vine and the branches theme of John 15 is also present, reminding us that when we (the branches) are joined to Christ (the vine), we are joined to one another and we will always have life. The calla lilies are another symbol of resurrection, and among the things we might think of as we admire the lilies (not even Solomon was clothed in such splendor – Matthew 6:29) is the Easter morning excitement of little children running around looking for eggs. Both the lilies and the children remind us to trust ourselves to God’s care.
Water is not only the ocean, it is also creation and liberation and baptism and the gift of life. The book of Revelation’s vision is that when we all get to heaven, we will see what the angel showed John: “the river of the water of life, bright as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb through the city. On either side of the river is the the tree of life … and the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.” (Revelation 22:1-2)
These stained glass windows are a picture of our community because they depict our faith; because they are an example of how we work together to accomplish the dreams and visions given to us by God; because they are breakable like we are, but their fragility contributes to their beauty; and because they are made up of many pieces (many parts) which by themselves might be meaningless, but joined together create a unified design of hope and joy.
The magic of stained glass is that when the light shines through it, the colors become radiant and alive. In the same way, God’s light shines through the community known as the church, so that our true colors of healing, prayer, forgiveness, and mutual support might be made known to all.