Blessed in the Not Yet

Blessed in the Not Yet

Today is a special day in the life of the Church as we will be celebrating All Saints Sunday! The United Methodist Church understands “saints” in the New Testament sense of the word which includes Christians of all places and times.

We remember and honor the saints of our lives, specifically those who have died in this last year. We share the names of beloved church members, family members and friends whom we have lost. We give thanks for all they have shared with us and among us, remembering them with the refrain, “Absent from our midst…present with the Lord.”

I encourage you to spend some time reflecting on the saints of your life. Find some quiet time and invite the memory of those people to return to your heart, mind and spirit. Remember the ways that their wisdom, love, guidance or witness has shaped you and your faith. Take a few minutes as well to reflect on ways you might be or be becoming a saint in the life of another!

Today is also Communion Sunday, so don’t forget the bread and juice! During these times of uncertainty, committing to a monthly contribution is difficult, especially for those who have lost their livelihoods to the pandemic. We want to uplift these members of our church family and invite you to give what you can. If you’d like to make a Communion Offering, please visit this link:

Scripture passages: Revelation 7:9-17; Matthew 5:1-12

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