I’ve Been Meaning to Ask… What Do You Need?

I’ve Been Meaning to Ask… What Do You Need?

Our July sermon series, “I’ve Been Meaning to Ask,” continues this morning with the question, “What Do You Need?”  An experience common to many of us is being asked this same question and responding with, “I have no idea!”  While it’s sometimes difficult to identify our own needs at times, we know that we all have them.  They might be smaller needs that crop up over the course of our normal days or they might be larger, deeper needs related to crises or events in our own lives, the lives of our loved ones or even the shared life of our global community and the world.

What we know for certain about need is that we need each other.  How does today’s question invite us to lean in with curiosity and openness in order to strengthen the connections between us?  How does this question invite vulnerability and open-heartedness in relationships?  What are scriptural examples of those in need and the people around them who responded in an effort to help?  We’ll spend time with Job in the First Testament and Paul in the Epistles as we explore this question together.

Scripture passage: Job 2:11-13; 2 Timothy 4:9-18

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