I’ve Been Meaning to Ask…Where Does It Hurt?

I’ve Been Meaning to Ask…Where Does It Hurt?

We continue this week in our sermon series entitled, “I’ve Meaning to Ask,”  a series designed to help us connect or reconnect through courageous questions, genuine curiosity and deep listening.  Last Sunday we asked the question, “Where are you from?”

Today we will be spending time with another question…“Where does it hurt?”  All of us experience hurt, pain and suffering at various times in our lives and to various degrees.  And yet talking with one another about our pain is one of the hardest things for us to do.  It’s often hard to know how to ask another person about their pain.  It’s equally hard to take the risk of being vulnerable and talking about our own.  So why do it at all?

Today we’ll explore the value of making space for one another’s pain on both a personal level and in the public domain.  We’ll also dig into our scripture passage from Mark with its reminders that the Divine not only doesn’t shy away from human suffering but always seems to be right in the thick of it.

Join us this morning as we worship God, explore our faith, and gather in the Loving Spirit!

Scripture passage: Mark 5:21-43

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